Gloucester County Chapter: March Meeting | March 6, 2024

On March 6, 2024, the ASNJ Gloucester County Chapter welcome archaeologist Jack Cresson as he shares his knowledge and experience with prehistoric artifacts.

The meeting is being held on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 7pm at RiverWinds. The venue is located at 1000 RiverWinds Dr, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Open to the Public - Free Admission

UPDATE: January 2024 Quarterly Meeting CANCELLED

Tomorrow's meeting (1/20/24) at Monmouth Battlefield State Park has been cancelled due to the winter weather conditions. The executive board members up for election this January will extend their terms until the March quarterly meeting, where there will be an election held. Please check here on our website or follow us on social media to keep up to date on details regarding the executive board election, the possibility of rescheduling the January meeting, and the rest of our upcoming events!

January 2024 Quarterly Meeting Agenda

Archaeological Society of New Jersey

January 2024 Meeting

Meeting date: Saturday, January 20, 2024 10am-3pm

Venue: Monmouth Battlefield State Park

Address: 20 State Route 33, Manalapan, NJ 07726

Board Meeting  

10:00 am – 11:30 am: Executive Board Meeting (All Members Welcome)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm: Break

Public Lecture Series & Site Tour

12:00 pm: President’s Welcome and Announcements

Nominations for Elections

2023 ASNJ Awards

Lecture by Michelle Davenport (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.)

Documentation of the Historic Salamander Brick Works in Woodbridge, NJ

Lecture by Matthew Del Guercio

Beneath Camp Vredenburg: Prehistoric Findings at Monmouth Battlefield State Park

1:00 pm: Break with Light Refreshments

1:30 pm: Lecture by Michael Gall (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.)

A Hill and a Skirmish: New Thoughts on the Battle of Monmouth

Lecture by Michael Timpanaro (Monmouth Battlefield State Park)

An Evaluation of the Subjectivity of the Period Maps of the Battle of Monmouth 

Closing Remarks & Election Results

2:30 pm: Site Tour to follow

We look forward to seeing you there!

The March 2024 Quarterly Meeting is planned for Saturday, March 16th, 2024, at the Passaic County Arts Center (John W. Rea House) in Hawthorne, NJ

If interested in presenting at a future ASNJ meeting, please contact the Program Chair at

Gloucester County Chapter: January Meeting | January 5, 2024

On January 5, 2024, the ASNJ Gloucester County Chapter welcome Archaeologist Dana Linck as our January speaker at the next ASNJ meeting. Dana was a co-archaeologist at the Red Bank Battlefield dig. He will be discussing his findings from the Hudson Highlands, a historical area that played an important role in the American Revolution.

The meeting is being held on Friday, January 5, 2024 at 7pm at RiverWinds. The venue is located at 1000 RiverWinds Dr, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Open to the Public - Free Admission

Here are the Nominees for Executive Board in the January 2024 Election

Dear Society Members,

The nominees for the 2024 Executive Board Election are in!

Please take a look at the list of nominees here on our website in preparation for the election at our January 2024 meeting on Saturday, January 20th, 2024 at Monmouth Battlefield State Park. See you there!

Voting is limited to current members for the 2023-24 calendar year and one vote per person. Family, institutional and organization membership types are limited to one vote per membership. Nominees will be listed in the January Newsletter, on the Society's website, and via the Society's google groups email list.

Seeking Nominations for Executive Board in January 2024 Election

Dear Society Members,

We are holding a call for nominations for all ASNJ Executive Board officer positions (2-year term) and two (2) member-at-large positions (3-year term).  The vote will take place at the January meeting.

 Voting is limited to current members for the 2023-24 calendar year and one vote per person. Family, institutional and organization membership types are limited to one vote per membership. Nominees will be listed in the January Newsletter, on the Society's website, and via the Society's google groups email list. Bios will be featured on our website. 

All candidates must be current members for the election year (i.e., 2023-24), and must keep their membership current for the duration of their elected position. Individuals can self-nominate or nominate someone of their choosing, but the nominated person must approve of their nomination in writing to the Nominating Committee.  

All self-nominating individuals or those nominated by others must provide a brief bio to the Nominating Committee via email at by December 5, 2023. The bio should include name, email, phone number, affiliation, and the qualities/skills you bring to the board position for which you are seeking election.  Each position on the ballot will also have a spot for a write-in candidate.

Once I have received all the nominations and bios, they will be shared with the membership prior to the meeting. 

Positions for nomination include:


1st VP (Education)

2nd VP (Programs)

3rd VP (Membership)


Assistant Treasurer

Recording Secretary

Newsletter Editor/Corresponding Secretary

Bulletin Content Editor

Associate Editor



 (Four Member-at-Large positions do not vacate during this election cycle.)



George Leader

ASNJ President

43rd Annual Roebling Chapter Symposium on Industrial Archeology | Saturday, October 28, 2023

Join the Roebling Chapter of the Society for Industrial Archeology for their 43rd Annual Symposium on Industrial Archeology in the New York and New Jersey Region. Please see the draft agenda PDF for more details about the event!

Gloucester County Chapter: November Meeting | November 1, 2023

On November 1st, the ASNJ Gloucester County Chapter presents Mr. Wade Catts, Archaeologist and President of South River Heritage Consulting. Wade will be updating us on the progress of the Hessian Soldier discovery of 2022 and the recent summer digs this year at the Red Bank Battlefield!

The meeting is being held on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 7pm at RiverWinds. The venue is located at 1000 RiverWinds Dr, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Open to the Public - Free Admission

CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS | ASNJ Conference 2024 | February 16-18th, 2024


FEBRUARY 16-18TH, 2024


The Archaeological Society of New Jersey is putting out a call for papers and posters for its first annual conference to be held in Princeton February 16-18th, 2024.

Topics may cover a wide range of archaeological and historical topics in the mid-Atlantic region. Papers from wider regions will be considered on the topic’s relevance to regional archaeology and history. Papers may cover all time periods from prehistoric to recent history and heritage topics. Students are especially encouraged to present.

Paper presentations will be 15 minutes long. Posters should be no more than 36x48”.

To be considered, submit a title, authors with affiliations, and abstract (no more than 250 words), at this link.

Submissions will be evaluated based on their relevance and suitability to mid-Atlantic archaeology by the ASNJ Conference Committee. Submission deadline is November 30, 2023. Once paper presentation slots are full, authors may be asked to instead present a poster.

Please navigate to the main conference page for more information about the event and we hope to see you there!

2023 Annual Meeting of the Hopewell Valley Historical Society | September 24, 2023

The Hopewell Valley Historical Society is hosting their 2023 Annual Meeting on Sunday, September 24, 2023.

In-person meeting: Howell Living History Farm, 70 Woodens Lane, Hopewell Township
Online: Internet Webinar via Zoom - Register Here

2 pm - HVHS Annual Membership Meeting with Election of Officers and Trustees

The public is welcome to attend. Members will vote on HVHS business.
Presentation of the Hopewell Valley History Awards.

3 pm - Historic Preservation Program - “The Archaeology of Two Hopewell Farms”

Michael Gall

Michael J. Gall, Principal Senior Archaeologist at Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc., will be presenting on the Moore Family Farmstead in Hopewell.

Richard Hunter

Dr. Richard Hunter, President of Hunter Research, Inc., will be presenting on the Phillips Family of Pleasant Valley, especially as it relates to Howell Living History Farm.

For more information about the meeting, please go to the Hopewell Valley Historical Society website and view the Event Page on Facebook.

October 2023 Quarterly Meeting Agenda

Archaeological Society of New Jersey

OCTOBER 2023 Meeting

Meeting date: Saturday, October 21, 2023 10am-4pm

Venue: Ramapo College of New Jersey - Pavilion Building, Room 1

(near Poplar Avenue and Sumach Road)

Address: Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ

Parking: Nearby parking lot entrance off of Poplar Avenue

Click here to access a Campus Map (see #19)

Board Meeting  

10:00 am – 11:30 am: Executive Board Meeting (All Members Welcome)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm: Break

Public Lecture Series & Museum Visit

12:00 pm: ASNJ President’s Welcome and Announcements

Introduction by Dr. Michael Middleton (Provost/Vice President for Teaching, Learning, & Growth, Ramapo College of New Jersey)

Lecture 1: Edward Lenik (Consulting Archaeologist), “From Indigenous Ancestral Homeland to Ramapo College: The Mountainside Farm Site, Mahwah, New Jersey.”

Lecture 2: Nancy Gibbs (Independent Historian), “Ramapoch Patentee Blandina Kierstede Bayard, Indian Trader and her Legacies”

Lecture 3: Chief Vincent Mann (Turtle Clan of the Ramapough Lenape Nation), Topic TBD

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Break with refreshments.

Lecture 4: Dara McGuinness (Program Coordinator, Gilder Lehrman Institute), Topic: Archaeological Field School at Crow Canyon

Lecture 5: Samantha Sproviero (Ph.D. student in History, Temple University), Topic: Archaeological Field School at James Madison’s Montpelier

Lecture 6: Richard Adamczyk (Archaeologist, Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.; Curator, Alan E. Carmen Museum of Prehistory), “Dancey’s Corner Site (28-Sa-240): A Case Study in Cultural Resource Management”

4:00 pm: Closing Remarks

4:15 pm: Visit to Mahwah Museum: special exhibit “Ramapough—Legacy and Heritage”

**Lecture schedule subject to further revision. Please stay tuned to our social media accounts for programming updates. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

The January 2024 Quarterly Meeting is planned for Saturday, January 20th, 2024 at Monmouth Battlefield State Park.

Gloucester County Archaeology Day For Veterans | June 18, 2023

The Gloucester County Chapter of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey in concert with Gloucester County Parks and Recreation Department continued with their fourth scheduled public dig at the Red Bank Battlefield in National Park, N.J. on Sunday, June 18, 2023. The Public Dig program is headed by Rowan’s Public History Professor and curator of the Red Bank Battlefield, Dr. Jennifer Janofsky and lead archaeologist Wade Catts, President of South River Heritage Consulting.

The Gloucester County Chapter posted this update on their Facebook page:

What beautiful weather to close out 4 amazing “Public Dig Days” hosted by the Gloucester County Department of Parks & Recreation. Members of the (Gloucester County) Chapter of ASNJ had another productive day unearthing artifacts from historic Fort Mercer in National Park, N.J. In addition to our club members, we are thankful to the many local Archeologists who volunteered their time and knowledge to assist in this public history event! A special thanks to Dr. Jennifer Janofsky - Rowan Professor of Public History and Curator of Red Bank Battlefield along with Wade Catts, Archeologist and President of South River Heritage Consulting who have coordinated this popular public participation event for a second year!

Be sure to follow the Gloucester County Chapter on Facebook!

See the update of the first week of digging here:

See the update of the second week of digging here:

See the update of the third week of digging here:

Gloucester County Archaeology Day For Veterans | June 10, 2023

The Gloucester County Chapter of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey in concert with Gloucester County Parks and Recreation Department continued with their third scheduled public dig at the Red Bank Battlefield in National Park, N.J. on Saturday, June 10, 2023. The Public Dig program is headed by Rowan’s Public History Professor and curator of the Red Bank Battlefield, Dr. Jennifer Janofsky and lead archaeologist Wade Catts, President of South River Heritage Consulting.

The Gloucester County Chapter posted this update on their Facebook page:

Welcome to Week #3 as we continue digging into the past at the Red Bank Battlefield… Today’s dig was called “ARCHAEOLOGY DAY FOR VETERANS”. It was an honor to invite and dig with the many Veterans who proudly served our nation. Members of the ASNJ assisted with digging and identifying the many artifacts that were screened by out guests. This is the third installment of four public archaeological digs created by the Gloucester County Department of Parks and Recreation under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Janofsky and Lead Archaeologist, Wade Catts. We are continuing to find many amazing Revolutionary War artifacts from the 1777 Battle of Red Bank, along with an array of Native American artifacts too!

Be sure to follow the Gloucester County Chapter on Facebook!

See the update of the first week of digging here:

See the update of the second week of digging here:

Gloucester County Archaeology Day For Veterans | June 4, 2023

The Gloucester County Chapter of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey in concert with Gloucester County Parks and Recreation Department continued with their second scheduled public dig at the Red Bank Battlefield in National Park, N.J. on Sunday, June 4, 2023. The Public Dig program is headed by Rowan’s Public History Professor and curator of the Red Bank Battlefield, Dr. Jennifer Janofsky and lead archaeologist Wade Catts, President of South River Heritage Consulting.

The Gloucester County Chapter posted this update on their Facebook page:

Another great Sunday digging into the past at the Red Bank Battlefield. The members of ASNJ (Gloucester County Chapter) assisted in the second installment of four public archeological digs created by the Gloucester County Parks and Recreation Department under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Janofsky. Many revolutionary war artifacts were discovered such as musket balls, buckles, cannon ball fragments and an array of Native American artifacts.

Be sure to follow the Gloucester County Chapter on Facebook!

See the update of the first week of digging here:

Gloucester County Archaeology Day | May 21, 2023

The Gloucester County Chapter of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey in concert with Gloucester County Parks and Recreation Department and Rowan University students, assisted with the first of several scheduled public digs at the Red Bank Battlefield in National Park, N.J. on Sunday, May 21, 2023. A great time was had by all as the members helped many first time guests screen and identify various Native American and Revolutionary War artifacts. Members also took part in educating the public with some artifacts displayed from previous digs as well as a “Indiana Jones” obstacle course for the children! The Public Dig program is headed by Rowan’s Public History Professor and curator of the Red Bank Battlefield, Dr. Jennifer Janofsky and lead archaeologist Wade Catts, President of South River Heritage Consulting. Several more dates are scheduled this spring and summer for this very popular event!

Be sure to follow the Gloucester County Chapter on Facebook!

May 2023 Quarterly Meeting Agenda


For those of you who missed the quarterly meeting, here are some photos from the event! In the coming weeks, please visit our YouTube channel to see the recordings of the presentations.

Please also subscribe to the society's YouTube channel at: ASNJ YouTube Account Link

Archaeological Society of New Jersey

MaY 2023 Meeting

Meeting date: Saturday, May 20, 2023

Venue: Stockton University - L Wing Room 112

Address: 101 Vera King Farris Dr, Galloway, NJ 08205

Parking: Lot 3 will be open to visitors

Click here to access a Campus Map

Board Meeting  

10:30 am – 12:30 pm: Executive Board Meeting (All Members Welcome)

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm: Break

Public Lecture Series & Artifact Display

1:00 pm: President’s Welcome & Announcements

1:15 pm: Presentation by the Richard Cook Curation Project (Stockton University), “A Decolonizing Framework for the Curation of 20th Century Private Collections”

1:40 pm: Lecture by Stephen D. Nagiewicz (Stockton University), “Citizen Science – How Non-Archaeologists Are Contributing to Site Interpretation and Mapping of a Revolutionary War Battle in Southern New Jersey”

Break and Artifact Display from the Richard Cook Collection

3:00 pm: Lecture by Bobbi Hornbeck (Stockton University), Topic: Digging History/Museum of Cape May

3:25 pm: Lecture by R. Alan Mounier, “Old Dog, New Tricks!

3:50 pm: Closing Remarks

**Lecture schedule subject to further revision. Please stay tuned to our social media accounts for programming updates. 

The October 2023 Quarterly Meeting is planned for Saturday, October 21st, 2023 at Ramapo College, in collaboration with Dr. Stephen Rice and Dr. Susan Hangen from the School of Humanities & Global Studies.

Gloucester County Chapter: 25th Anniversary Artifact Show | May 3, 2023


The Gloucester County Chapter of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey celebrates twenty five years in West Deptford Township! Members put together a display of thousands of artifacts from prehistoric to historic times. The community outreach program was a huge success with young to elderly enjoying a fun educational evening!

Come join the 25th Anniversary Artifact Show hosted by the Archaeological Society of New Jersey Cloucester County Chapter!

The event is being held on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 from 6-8:45pm at RiverWinds. The venue is located at 1000 RiverWinds Dr, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Open to the Public - Free Admission

Call for New ASNJ Student Committee Members!

The Archaeological Society of New Jersey is seeking three individuals interesting in serving on our newly formed Student and Young Professional Committee.

 These positions aim to attract undergraduate students that can bring their perspectives and ideas to the ASNJ executive board. Their responsibilities would include liaising with university programs and performing outreach to other students with the ultimate goal of giving them a voice in the larger archaeological community. There is a growing discussion about how university programs can sufficiently prepare students for careers in archaeology and how the professional community can help guide students as they try to establish themselves as young professionals. These committee positions will give students a voice in the ASNJ, help them to address problems that students face, and help young professionals network within the archaeological community. Three students will be selected prior to the May meeting (5/20 at Stockton University) where they will be introduced. The positions will initially be non-voting committee positions, but during our January 2024 meeting, the entire membership will vote whether to make these positions permanent, voting, student members of the ASNJ executive board. Students should be able to commit to attending the May 20th meeting and regularly attending the quarterly meeting of the ASNJ.  The term for these positions will be 2 years. 

Interested undergraduate students over the age of 18 should apply through email ( to Richard Adamczyk (ASNJ VP for Membership) and George Leader (ASNJ President) and include: 

1. Name, Institution, Year, Age, and Major
2. Short Biography highlighting background and interests in archaeology or history (1-2 paragraphs). 

Selections will be made by mid-May and applicants will be notified by email. 

Thank you for your interest! 

Richard Adamczyk
ASNJ Membership Chair,
Chairman of the Student and Young Professionals Committee


March 2023 Quarterly Meeting Agenda

Archaeological Society of New Jersey

March 2023 Meeting

Meeting date: Saturday, March 18, 2023

Venue: The College of New Jersey, Physics Building – Room P101

Address: 2000 Pennington Road, Ewing, NJ 08628

Parking: Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 17, and 18 will be open to visitors

Click here to access a Campus Map

Board Meeting  

11:00 am – 12:30 pm: Executive Board Meeting (All Members Welcome)

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm: Break

Public Lecture Series & Site Tour

1:00 pm: President’s Welcome & Announcements

1:15 pm: Lecture by Michele Troutman (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc./Binghamton University SUNY), Defining the Place of Bifurcates within the Northeast

Bifurcated-base projectile points have been used as a diagnostic marker along the eastern seaboard of the United States. Within this talk, a broad overview will be presented on bifurcate-based points, their chronology, and geographical spread. The contextual focus is the Northeast region.

1:40 pm: Lecture by Sean McHugh (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc./Monmouth University), The Woolley Family and the Popular Swamp Tract: A Tale of Two Sites

2:00 pm: Break

2:30 pm: Lecture by Dr. George Leader (The College of New Jersey),
Hidden in the Floor: Ritual Concealment at the William Green Plantation

Investigations at the William Green Plantation in New Jersey uncovered at least seven occurrences of intentionally concealed material under the attic floorboards. The concealed items fall in the mid-late 19th century time range. The artifacts are likely representative of the long tradition of ritual concealment in historical homesteads usually associated with folk magic arriving with immigrants from England, but may also represent the actions of a young Black servant at the house.

2:55 pm: Closing Remarks

3:15 pm: Site Tour at the William Green House