March 2025 Quarterly Meeting Agenda

Archaeological Society of New Jersey

march 2025 Meeting

Meeting date: Saturday, March 15, 2025 10am-4pm

Venue: Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society (VHAS)

Address: 108 S Seventh St, Vineland, NJ 08360

Board Meeting  

10:00 am – 11:30 am: Executive Board Meeting (All Members Welcome)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm: Break for Lunch (On your own)

Public Lecture SerieS & Tour

12:00 pm: President’s Welcome and Announcements

R. Alan Mounier (Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society)
Archaeology in and around Vineland

Paul McEachen (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.), Sean McHugh, Lynn Alpert
Archaeology and History of the Joseph Sheppard Farmstead, Cumberland County, New Jersey

Wade Catts (South River Heritage Consulting, LLC); Jennifer Janofsky (Rowan University)

Red Bank Battlefield Archaeology Project

1:30 pm: Break with Light Refreshments - Courtesy of the VHAS

2:00pm: Jim Lee (Hunter Research, Inc.)
The Answer is Blowing in the Wind, An Unusual Historic Site along the Maurice River

Dr. Lu Ann De Cunzo (University of Delaware), Richard Adamczyk (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.)
Archaeology of Farmscapes in Southern New Jersey, ca. 1780-1880

2:45 pm: Closing Remarks

3:00 pm: Guided Tour of the VHAS Museum

We look forward to seeing you there!

The ASNJ May 2025 Quarterly Meeting is planned for Saturday, May 17th, 2025 at Batsto Village Historic Site. If interested in presenting at a future ASNJ meeting, please contact the Program Chair at

Flyer courtesy of Rebecca Ashdot

Gloucester County Chapter: March Meeting | March 5, 2025

On March 5, 2025, the ASNJ Gloucester County Chapter welcomes Rick Reed as he presents “Gobekli Tepe and New Discoveries”.

The meeting is being held on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 7pm at RiverWinds Community Center. The venue is located at 1000 RiverWinds Dr, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Open to the Public - Free Admission

Thank you all! | ASNJ Conference 2025 | January 17th-19th, 2025


JanuARY 17th-19TH, 2025
Lambertville Station Restaurant and Inn, Lambertville, NEW JERSEY

And that is a WRAP, folks!

The 2025 ASNJ Conference has come to a close. Thank you to the ASNJ Conference Board for putting together an amazing conference, with amazing presenters, including students. Thank you to the Lambertville Station Inn for hosting the conference and providing discounted rooms for attendees. Thank you, EVERYONE, who attended and was a fabulous audience to our amazing presenters.

Congratulations to the new board members of the ASNJ and to those receiving Merit Awards!

See you again next time!

Dear Members and Friends,

What a fantastic weekend!!  I am so grateful to everyone who came out to Lambertville to take part in the conference.  We had a tremendous turn out, equal to our first conference last year.  

Please send photos via message to our social media accounts,, or directly to Rebecca at  

We braved the snow for a great tour at Washington's Crossing.   Thank you to Steve Stantucci for his expert insight on the history of the crossing.

I'd like to once again thank the conference committee for their tireless work on putting together another successful event.  I hope everyone enjoyed it.

As of Sunday, my tenure as president has come to and end and I couldn't be happier to have a great person and archaeologist taking over the position.  Congratulations to Jim Lee, our new ASNJ President.  I look forward to all that is to come during his presidency! 

Please note that the email will now transition to Jim and there may be a delay in responses as we transition the email.

All the best and I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.



Don't Miss Out! | ASNJ Conference 2025 | January 17th-19th, 2025


JanuARY 17th-19TH, 2025
Lambertville Station Restaurant and Inn, Lambertville, NEW JERSEY

Dear Members and Friends,

There are only 10 days until our 2025 Conference kicks off!! Don't miss out on a great lineup of papers and posters!  We have social and networking hours and a really great panel discussion and a great excursion ready too!

The abridged schedule is attached and the full programs will be sent this week!

Register here:

Book your room at Lambertville Inn by calling 609.397.4400.  Remember to tell them you are there for the ASNJ.  We still have several $50.00 awards towards anybody who books rooms now!  All you need to do is book your room and let us know you booked (email and you'll receive your $50.00 at the conference.

See you soon for a great weekend!!


The Conference Committee

Please click here to view the PDF of the full program schedule!

***Please note one change.  The excursion to Washington's Crossing will be on the PA side of the river, not the NJ side of the river.  We were able to arrange a tour of the PA side at a time that worked for our group.***

Candidates For January 2025 Executive Board Election

Dear ASNJ Members,

Two member-at-large positions are up for election in the normal election cycle for 2025.  These are three year positions.

One additional member-at-large position is being vacated in January (due to the arrival of a new family member...yay!) That position will be for one "interim" year and then in 2026 up for election again, back on the three year cycle.

President. Initially this will be a one year "interim" for the remainder of the term and then in 2026 up for election back on the two year cycle.

Take a look at the candidates who are running for these positions and those of you who are members, please remember to join us at the January 2025 ASNJ Conference/Quarterly meeting on the 19th to cast your votes!

Candidate for President (Remainder of 2024-2026 term)

(Vote for 1)

Jim Lee

I have been a member of the Society since the late 1990s when I took the position of Recording Secretary, and have been on the executive board since then.  I received my B.A. in Anthropology and History from Rutgers University in 1995 and obtained an M.A. in Archaeology from the University of Durham (UK) in 1996.  Since that time I have worked as an archaeologist in the Middle Atlantic region, for the past 23 years with the Trenton-based firm of Hunter Research, Inc.  I am the company Vice President and Principal Archaeologist.  Originally trained as a prehistoric archaeologist, I also maintain a specialty in industrial archaeology, with a particular emphasis on the Morris Canal. I would be honored to be elected President and look forward to working with the board and members on growing the Society.

Candidates for Member-At-Large (2025-2028) (Vote for 2)

Richard Adamczyk

Richard Adamczyk is seeking election to the ASNJ executive board as a Member-at-Large. Mr. Adamczyk has been a member of the ASNJ since 2017 and has served as the 2nd Vice President and Membership Chair of the organization from 2020-2023. He played a role in the formation of the ASNJ Student Committee and is currently co-directing the ASNJ's Cohansey River Bluff Site rescue excavation and public archaeology project in collaboration with the Cumberland County Historical Society and the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation, a descendent community with ties to the resources being salvaged.

Mr. Adamczyk has been a professional archaeologist in New Jersey for almost 8 years and has demonstrated competency in the analysis and interpretation of pre-Contact and historic sites in this state. He is also the curator of the Alan E. Carman Museum of Prehistory in Cumberland County. As Member-at-Large, Mr. Adamczyk hopes to continue serving the ASNJ and its efforts to preserve NJ archaeology through education and advocacy, specifically helping with programming, public events, and educational outreach.

Matthew Craig

I, Matthew Craig, am seeking election to the ASNJ executive board as a Member-at-Large. With over a decade of hands-on experience in academic and professional archaeology, I bring expertise in cultural resource management and an understanding of New Jersey's archaeology. Having worked on numerous projects across the state, I am familiar with the complexities of New Jersey's historical sites. I am passionate about inspiring the next generation of archaeologists in New Jersey. As a Member-at-Large, I'll prioritize strengthening outreach to students and young professionals. I aim to cultivate a strong network of emerging professionals. As a member of the ASNJ, I am invested in the organization's support and promotion of New Jersey's archaeology. I want to give back to the organization that has supported my career by serving its members and collective goals.

Candidates for Member-At-Large (Remainder of 2024-2026 term) (Vote for 1)

Jack Cresson

Since 1977 I have served as the Chairman of the Research Committee. In 2000 I was honored to become a Fellow of the ASNJ. I have worked in CRM since l974 and have contributed many articles and papers on various topics, many related to the study of lithic technology.

Since 1985 I have conducted scheduled and occasional workshops related to New World primitive technologies and in 1989 was a founding member of the Society of Primitive Technology and organization dedicated to primitive technology, experimental archaeology and disseminating information about this topic worldwide.

Please remember to join us at the January 2025 ASNJ Conference/Quarterly meeting on the 19th to cast your votes!

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED - DECEMBER 12th, 2024 | ASNJ Conference 2025 | January 17th-19th, 2025


JanuARY 17th-19TH, 2025
Lambertville Station Restaurant and Inn, Lambertville, NEW JERSEY

The abstract submission deadline has been extended to December 12th, 2024! If you are interested in presenting at this year’s conference, this is the final push to get those abstracts in for review! This is an excellent opportunity for students to present on their research, and there will be a cash prize for best student poster.

Please navigate to the main conference page for more information about the event and we hope to see you there!

Flyer by Richard Fallon

REMINDER: Abstract Submission Deadline November 30th, 2024 | ASNJ Conference 2025 | January 17th-19th, 2025


JanuARY 17th-19TH, 2025
Lambertville Station Restaurant and Inn, Lambertville, NEW JERSEY

The November 30th abstract submission deadline is approaching! If you are interested, please consider presenting a paper or a poster at our 2025 conference! This is an excellent opportunity for students to present on their research, and there will be a cash prize for best student poster.

Please navigate to the main conference page for more information about the event and we hope to see you there!

Flyer by Richard Fallon

Cohansey River Bluff Rescue Dig Volunteer Opportunity

The Alan E. Carman Museum of Prehistory is working in partnership with the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape and the Archaeological Society of New Jersey to gather information from a threatened Ancestral Lenape archaeological site. Sign-ups are now open to join us on our public dig days!

Participants will work with professional archaeologists and the descendant community in a collaborative event to preserve heritage before its lost. Volunteers will rotate through different workstations and participate in various stages of an archaeological excavation! All sessions will begin with an orientation discussing the history of the project, the significance of the site, and the importance of safeguarding heritage. The site is within 15 minutes of the Alan E. Carman Museum of Prehistory.

Sessions are from 9am-12pm and 1pm-3pm on November 9 and 10. Please sign up using this link to secure your spot:

Any questions about the project can be directed to the museum curator at

Announcement from the ASNJ President/Seeking Nominations for Executive Board January 2025

Dear Members,

It was wonderful to see some of you at our October meeting on Saturday.  Thanks to Nicole for organizing another great meeting with excellent speakers.

I want to call your attention to January at which time we will have elections for several open board positions.  If you are interested in any of the following positions please send a short bio and be sure to indicate which position you are interested in running for.   If you would like to nominate somebody, please reach out to them and encourage them to submit a bio, also indicating which position they are seeking.

Two member-at-large positions are up for election in the normal election cycle for 2025.  These are three year positions.

One additional member-at-large position is being vacated in January (due to the arrival of a new family member...yay!) That position will be for one "interim" year and then in 2026 up for election again, back on the three year cycle.

President. Initially this will be a one year "interim" for the remainder of the term and then in 2026 up for election back on the two year cycle.

January marks two years since I took over as president and it has been a great honor to take the helm of this amazing society.  The board is incredible to work with and that really makes the job enjoyable.  However, with two young girls (4 and 1.5) I'm stepping back from a few commitments in order to make sure I have lots of time to watch them grow, which seems to be happening hourly.  

I will be around to help guide the next president just as the past presidents were for me.   This really is a true team driven board! 

Please send in bios by  mid-November  so we can be sure to get the word out for the January election.  

There will be a follow up email this week on an electronic vote on the edits to the bylaws that were shared with you several weeks ago.  

Have a great week!


George M. Leader, Ph.D.
ASNJ President

Executive Board Nomination Info

Voting is limited to current members for the 2024-25 calendar year and one vote per person. Family, institutional and organization membership types are limited to one vote per membership. Nominees will be listed in the January Newsletter, on the Society's website, and via the Society's google groups email list. Bios will be featured on our website. 

All candidates must be current members for the election year (i.e., 2024-25), and must keep their membership current for the duration of their elected position. Individuals can self-nominate or nominate someone of their choosing, but the nominated person must approve of their nomination in writing to the Nominating Committee.  

All self-nominating individuals or those nominated by others must provide a brief bio to the Nominating Committee via email at by mid-November 2024. The bio should include name, email, phone number, affiliation, and the qualities/skills you bring to the board position for which you are seeking election.  Each position on the ballot will also have a spot for a write-in candidate.

Once all of the nominations and bios have been received, they will be shared with the membership prior to the meeting.

Gloucester County Chapter: November Meeting | November 6, 2024

On November 6, 2024, the ASNJ Gloucester County Chapter welcomes Bill Liebeknecht as he presents “Excavations at the Francina Plantation”.

The meeting is being held on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 7pm at RiverWinds Community Center. The venue is located at 1000 RiverWinds Dr, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Open to the Public - Free Admission

Camden Public Archaeology Day | September 27, 2024


Attention Camden County History enthusiasts!

On behalf of Rutgers University—Camden, E2PM is offering an invitation to those with an interest in archaeology and the City of Camden’s History to join us on Friday, September 27, 2024 for a Public Archaeology day at the Cooper Street Gateway. Originally settled in the 1840s, this cluster of urban lots offers a unique opportunity to examine Camden’s early history with houses on Cooper Street owned by wealthy landlords and houses on Lawrence Street occupied by tenants of lesser means. The day will include guided tours of the site as well as opportunities for participants to get their hands dirty screening for artifacts (work gloves required).

 Tours will be held on the hour between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

 Access can be gained to the site from the fence between 421 and 425 Cooper Street.

 Paid parking is available across Cooper Street on the southwest corner of Cooper and 5th Streets.

 To secure free parking at Rutgers University—Camden:

 Please visit

  • Select Browse Request Forms

  • Complete the Special Event or Visitor parking request form.

 Requesters will receive the reserved parking lot location for their event within 5 business days of submitting the request. Questions related to parking and permits can be sent to

October 2024 Quarterly Meeting Agenda

Archaeological Society of New Jersey

October 2024 Meeting

Meeting date: Saturday, October 12, 2024 10am-3pm

Venue: Proprietary House in Perth Amboy

Address: 149 Kearny Ave, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Board Meeting  

10:00 am – 11:30 am: Executive Board Meeting (All Members Welcome)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm: Break/Light Refreshments

Public Lecture SerieS & Tour

12:00 pm: President’s Welcome and Announcements

Jonathan Dernbach, Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc. and the Alan E. Carman Museum of Prehistory
Fieldwork Update from the Cohansey Bluff Project

12:30 pm: Pierre Lacombe, Retired Hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey.
Camden and Amboy Railroad: Stone Sleepers from the 1830s That Remain in 2020

Pierre Lacombe retired from the U.S. Geological Survey in 2017. During his 40-year career as a geologist, he investigated and published extensively on groundwater supply issues of New Jersey. Since retirement, Pierre has investigated stone sleepers used to support the rails for about 34 of America’s earliest railroads.

Mark Nonestied, County Historian and Division Head, Middlesex County Division of History and Historic Preservation
History and Historic Preservation in Middlesex County.

This lecture will highlight archaeology work, archival collections, recently acquired objects and preservation of historic structures that fall within work directed by Middlesex County Division of History and Historic Preservation.

2:00 pm: Guided tour of the Proprietary House

We look forward to seeing you there!

Our next Quarterly meetings will take place in January, March, and May 2025. If interested in presenting at a future ASNJ meeting, please contact the Program Chair at

Image Credit: Richard Fallon

CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS | ASNJ Conference 2025 | January 17th-19th, 2025


JanuARY 17th-19TH, 2025
Lambertville Station Restaurant and Inn, Lambertville, NEW JERSEY


The Archaeological Society of New Jersey is putting out a call for papers and posters for its second annual conference to be held in Lambertville, January 17th-19th, 2025.

Topics may cover a wide range of archaeological and historical topics in the mid-Atlantic region. Papers from wider regions will be considered on the topic’s relevance to regional archaeology and history. Papers may cover all time periods from prehistoric to recent history and heritage topics. Students are especially encouraged to present.

Paper presentations will be 15 minutes long. Posters should be no more than 36x48”.

To be considered, submit a title, authors with affiliations, and abstract (no more than 200 words), at this link.

Submissions will be evaluated based on their relevance and suitability to mid-Atlantic archaeology by the ASNJ Conference Committee. Submission deadline is November 30, 2024. Once paper presentation slots are full, authors may be asked to instead present a poster.

Please navigate to the main conference page for more information about the event and we hope to see you there!

Gloucester County Chapter: September Meeting | September 4, 2024

On September 4, 2024, the ASNJ Gloucester County Chapter welcomes Dan Knight as he discusses “Rediscovery… What is Lost, is Found again” and the amazing discoveries from the I-95 Construction!

The meeting is being held on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 7pm at RiverWinds Community Center. The venue is located at 1000 RiverWinds Dr, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Open to the Public - Free Admission

May 2024 Quarterly Meeting Agenda

Archaeological Society of New Jersey

MAy 2024 Meeting

Meeting date: Saturday, May 18, 2024 10am-3pm

Venue: Monmouth Battlefield State Park

Address: 20 State Route 33, Manalapan, NJ 07726

Board Meeting  

10:00 am – 11:30 am: Executive Board Meeting (All Members Welcome)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm: Break

Public Lecture SerieS

12:00 pm: President’s Welcome and Announcements

Lecture by Michael Gall (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.)

A Hill and a Skirmish: New Thoughts on the Battle of Monmouth

Lecture by Dr. Richard Veit (Monmouth University), Adam Heinrich (Monmouth University, Richard Grubb &Associates, Inc.), Matthew Kalos (Brookdale)

“The Lighthouses Were Also Much Out of Repairs”: Renewed Archaeological Investigations at the Twin Lights of the Navesink

1:00 pm: Break with Light Refreshments

1:30 pm: Lecture by Matthew Del Guercio

Beneath Camp Vredenburg: Prehistoric Findings at Monmouth Battlefield State Park

Lecture by Michael Timpanaro and Victor Pidermann (Monmouth Battlefield State Park)

An Evaluation of the Subjectivity of the Period Maps of the Battle of Monmouth 

The Battlefield’s Visitor Center and exhibits are open until 4:00 PM. The park gates are open 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The ASNJ October 2024 Quarterly Meeting is planned for Saturday, October 12th, 2024.

If interested in presenting at a future ASNJ meeting, please contact the Program Chair at

Gloucester County Chapter: 26th Annual Artifact Show | May 1, 2024

Join the Gloucester COUnty Chapter of the ASNJ at the 26TH Annual Artifact Show

The artifact show is being held on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 from 6pm-8:45pm at RiverWinds. The venue is located at 1000 RiverWinds Dr, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Open to the Public - Free Admission

All those interested in displaying or attending, contact the Chapter President Eugene Andrews

RECAP || March 2024 Quarterly Meeting

Our March quarterly meeting was held this past Saturday at the Passaic County Arts Center at the John W. Rea House! We heard some great talks and held board elections. Congratulations to our new and returning board members! A huge congratulations is also due to Guy DiGuigno, the President of the Gloucester County Chapter of the ASNJ, for receiving a lifetime achievement award in recognition of his amazing service to the ASNJ and to the field of archaeology. Jack Cresson accepted the award on his behalf. Thank you to the Passaic County Arts Center and staff for hosting us at such a beautiful venue for our spring meeting!


President - George Leader, Ph.D.

1st Vice President, Education/P.R./ESAF Representative - David Mudge

2nd Vice President, Membership - Cheryl Schlagenhaft

3rd Vice President, Programs - Nicole Herzog

Treasurer - Danielle Cathcart

Assistant Treasurer - Position Currently Vacant

Recording Secretary - Steve Santucci

Newsletter Editor/Corresponding Secretary - Jesse Walker

Bulletin Content Editor - Michael J. Gall

Bulletin Associate Editor - Richard Veit

Social Media - Position Currently Vacant

Webmaster - Evan Mydlowski


Jan 2024-Jan 2027

Joshua Butchko
Lauren Lembo

RECAP || First Annual ASNJ Conference 2024


FEBRUARY 16-18TH, 2024

The ASNJ Conference Committee and Executive Board would like to thank all the attendees, presenters, and sponsors who joined us for our first annual conference in Princeton on February 16-18, 2024! The conference successfully brought together researchers and students from across the East Coast who were willing to share their research on New Jersey and its surrounding area. We had a great time listening to interesting research and meeting everyone in between paper sessions and at our poster session, reception, and networking event in the evenings. The conference weekend finished with an excursion to the Princeton Battlefield State Park on Sunday, where Resource Interpretive Specialist William Krakower provided a fantastic tour of the Clarke House and battlefield.

Conference presentations encompassed a wide variety of topics, from pre-Contact site and artifact analyses to experimental archaeology to historic and archaeological research on tenant farms, historic cemeteries, free and enslaved African American communities, and unique artifacts. Student research was a highlight of the conference, and included impressive presentations by students from Rutgers University, TCNJ, CUNY, and Montclair University. Julia Fuchs from Rutgers University won our student poster competition with her research on the Egyptian mummy housed at the Rutgers University Geological Museum. 

Special thanks are due to our conference sponsors: the New Jersey Historic Trust, Passaic County, Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc., AECOM, EDR, and Michael J. Gall.

Please join us for the March 2024 Quarterly Meeting, which is planned for Saturday, March 16th, 2024, at the Passaic County Arts Center (John W. Rea House) in Hawthorne, NJ. Elections for the Executive Board will also be held. Click here for more details!

One presenter from the Saturday morning session of the Conference, “Early Inhabitants: Native American Sites in New Jersey” has recorded their presentation and has allowed us to share!

A Peculiar Pre-Contact Encampment: The New Brunswick Avenue Pre-Contact Site (28-Mi-293)

Michele Troutman (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc. and Binghamton University) and Sean McHugh (Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc. and Monmouth University)

The four presenters from the Saturday afternoon session of the Conference, “A Varied and Diverse Landscape: Encampments, Tenant Laborers, Weavers, Farmers, and Enslaved Individuals in West Windsor” have recorded their presentations and have allowed us to share them! Please follow our YouTube channel because they will be posted every Friday for the next four weeks! Enjoy the presentations!

The Stuart L. Reed Farmstead Site: Archaeology of a Doctor’s Plantation in West Windsor, NJ

Richard P. Adamczyk, Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.


Laboring for the Clarkes: Archaeology of a Late Eighteenth- to Early Nineteenth-Century Potential Enslaved Laborer Dwelling

Matthew Craig, Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.


Cottagers and their Homes: Archaeology of Tenant Farm Laborers at the Area Y Site

Michael Gall, Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.

Weaving through History: Archaeology of the Area AC-Site

Allison A. Gall, Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.

Take a look at the photos from the conference taken by various Executive Board members throughout the weekend!

These are the photos from the excursion to Princeton Battlefield on Sunday afternoon!

March 2024 Quarterly Meeting Agenda

Archaeological Society of New Jersey

March 2024 Meeting

Meeting date: Saturday, March 16, 2024

Time: Board Meeting 10:00 am-11:30 am / Lecture Series 12:00 pm-3:00 pm

Venue: Passaic County Arts Center at the John W. Rea House

Address: 675 Goffle Road, Hawthorne, NJ 07506

Board Meeting  

10:00 am – 11:30 am: Executive Board Meeting (All Members Welcome)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm: Break

Public Lecture Series & Site Tour

12:00 pm: President’s Welcome and Announcements

2023 ASNJ Awards

Nominations for Elections

Lecture by Todd Braisted (Author)

Bergen’s Buried Battlefields: Uncovering the American Revolution in Bergen County

Lecture by Steve Santucci, Sean McHugh, Richard Veit, Adam Heinrich (Monmouth University)

More than one expected to encounter! How the metal detector survey yielded more than just iron at the Morristown-Jockey Hollow Winter Encampment of the American Revolution

1:00 pm: Break & Final Call for Board Election Votes

1:30 pm: Lecture by Michelle Davenport (Senior Archaeologist, Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc.)

Documentation of the Historic Salamander Brick Works in Woodbridge, NJ

Lecture by Kelly Ruffel (Passaic County Department of Cultural & Historic Affairs), Mark Nonestied (Middlesex County Division of Historic Sites and History Services)

Tombstones in the Smokehouse: Addressing Displaced Gravemarkers in Museum Collections

3:00 pm: Closing Remarks & Election Results

Please take a look at the list of nominees here on our website in preparation for the election.

Voting is limited to current members for the 2023-24 calendar year and one vote per person. Family, institutional and organization membership types are limited to one vote per membership.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The May 2024 Quarterly Meeting is planned for Saturday, May 18th, 2024, at Monmouth Battlefield State Park in Manalapan, NJ.

If interested in presenting at a future ASNJ meeting, please contact the Program Chair at

Image Credit: Jenn Hastings

REMINDER: First Annual ASNJ Conference 2024 | February 16-18th, 2024


FEBRUARY 16-18TH, 2024

ASNJ's first annual conference is upon us! Join us February 16-18 in Princeton for what promises to be an excellent weekend talking about local archaeology.

Registration is still open! Check out our conference page for more information and we are looking forward to seeing you there!

Image Credit: Jenn Hastings

Take a look at the full ASNJ Conference program here!