Seeking Nominations for Executive Board in January 2023 Election

Dear ASNJ Members,

Our President, Kristen Hohn, has announced that she and her family are expecting their second child this March and has made the decision to step down from the remainder of her term. At the January 2023 meeting we will hold an election for the remainder of the President’s unexpired term, which runs through January 2024.

In addition to this position, two Member-At-Large seats on the board are also up for reelection. The ASNJ is seeking nominations for these three roles and ask any interested individuals to please submit a short bio by December 15th, 2022. These bios will be posted on our website, available to general membership to review at their leisure in advance of the election on January 21st, 2023.

Bios and nominations can be submitted to through December 15th.

Any active member interested in taking a more active role in the organization is encouraged to apply!